Early Impressions offers specialty music instruction in Orff Music to all of our students. Carl Orff, a German composer and teacher, developed Orff Music as an active participatory and creative method of learning for children.
Orff Music was developed from observation of the natural music interests and explorations of young children. To teach and reinforce music concepts and first learning skills, Orff Music instruction combines singing, movement, finger plays, dramatization, instrument explorations and listening activities.
Orff Music instruments foster creative accompaniment to songs. Early Impressions has many of the familiar rhythm instruments used in Orff Music: sticks, bells, drums, tambourines, metallophones and xylophones. Metallophones and xylophones consist of removable tone bars arranged to allow participants accompany familiar songs.
The Orff Music philosophy encourages individual expression. A typical music lesson at Early Impressions includes songs of welcome, seasonal songs, program songs and props to encourage participation.There are songs related to special activities within a classroom such as a listening activity and a song to say good-bye. Students may adapt and change the songs and activities to reflect the levels and interests of each classroom. One group may develop an instrument accompaniment, another may choose to accompany with a finger play, and a third might act out the words.
Early Impressions offers Orff Music instruction each week at no additional fee. A specially trained instructor teaches Orff Music at Early Impressions. We are pleased to offer this learning and creative opportunity to our students.